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Noch besser: Werde direkt SLOT Mitglied !
Mit deiner Mitgliedschaft unterstützt du uns über ein Jahr mit einem kleinen monatlichen Beitrag und erhältst dafür das sagenumwobene SLOT Paket mit SLOT Kachel & SLOT Mitgliedsausweis.
SLOT is a place…
SLOT is a collectively operated, non-profit space for parties & concerts, debates and exhibitions – all incoming money in turn goes out to support political/cultural projects, initiatives and struggles. Furthermore, SLOT provides space for DIY activities and urban culture. We need your solidarity to save our practices & our space of solidarity for the time ahead.
City for all! – fux eG
There is not only rising rent for living space in the city, small businesses and creative artists also struggle to find affordable workspaces. We – people from within the fields of culture, crafts, education, social services, music, dance, design and more – want to oppose this wave of gentrification. We have founded the cooperative fux eG in order to collectively establish an alternative urban development. In early 2015 we purchased Altona’s former military barracks “Viktoria-Kaserne” from the city. Since then we have been refurbishing the old building under monument protection guidelines and have opened it up to the neighbourhood as a space to create, work, exhibit, learn and live.